The Linux Command Line

Bloomington Public Library Online Catalog
book (1)
The Linux Command Line A Complete Introduction
[Book - printed] William E Shotts
"It's been said that "graphical user interfaces make easy tasks easy, while command-line interfaces make difficult tasks... (more)
"It's been said that "graphical user interfaces make easy tasks easy, while command-line interfaces make difficult tasks possible." The Linux Command Line shows readers how to control their computers and accomplish these difficult tasks using Bash, the Linux shell. Designed for command-line users of all levels, the book takes readers from the first keystrokes to the process of writing powerful programs in the command line's native language. Along the way, the author explores basic commands and file system navigation, OS configuration, classic command-line programs, shell programming, and much more, making The Linux Command Line an essential guide for all Linux users who wish to exploit the full power of their systems"-- (less)
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